Join our Digital Day of Action for #6MinuteService!

Bus and subway riders across New York City are coming together on Wednesday, October 19 for a Digital Day of Action calling on Governor Hochul to deliver #6MinuteService now!

Together, we’ll take to social media to share our stories about long waits, being late for appointments, and all the frustrations and challenges that riders experience when they’re stuck at their subway platform or bus stop. Most importantly, we’ll tag the Governor and ask that she make the investment needed in her next state budget to run subways and most buses every six minutes, all day, every day.

Help us win #6MinuteService by making your voice heard on October 19!

Here's how to participate: 

  1. On October 19, 9a.m. - 3p.m., post a photo or video on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok explaining to Governor Hochul why you need #6MinuteService

  2. Tag @GovKathyHochul and use the #6MinuteService hashtag

  3. Get creative to grab the Governor's attention! Check out our social media toolkit for sample messages and examples.


Report: How #6MinuteService would transform our city buses


Win a free MetroCard by entering our Horrifying Headways Contest!